Getting the Most Out of a Travel Lens

Night photo of the High Line in Manhattan
A city that never stops moving and growing: Moonrise over New York’s High Line Linear Park and future apartment buildings.

We all photographers have been through this before: Going on a trip and deciding what equipment to carry. We all want quality and flexibility but to carry the least weight. All the gear accumulated through the years makes our decision even harder.

When planning a two week’s vacation in New York City I finally decided taking along only my Nikon D810 and 24-120 f/4 VR lens. Forget about an external flash and do not even think of the tripod. Pack an extra battery, memory cards and cleaning kit and close my bag… My only other gear was my iPhone, which I used it for shooting everything I did not (or could not) shoot with the big camera… and for all the good things smartphones do for us. Continue reading Getting the Most Out of a Travel Lens

Writings about the art and technique of photography. Mostly with Nikon and Olympus equipment.