Tag Archives: flower

High in the Tropics

The high altitude rainforest or cloud forest, where the Resplendent Quetzal roams, is the gateway to a world of color amid the clouds and the mist. Further up, above the tree line, is the even more colorful garden called Paramo (or Páramo in Spanish). Continue reading High in the Tropics

The volcano and indoor photos

I live in the Pacific Rim of Fire so it is no surprise that eventually ash is going to fall from the sky, like it has been on and off for the last two years: small amounts luckily. This has consequences for photography of course. Continue reading The volcano and indoor photos

What is Spring like in the tropics?

A lot of people are about to enjoy, and with good reason, the Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. I live in tropical Costa Rica where the weather is practically the same year-round but we also have many plants that only bloom now and I thought I would share with you some photos of our Tropical Spring. Continue reading What is Spring like in the tropics?