Tag Archives: bird photography

Three Hummingbirds

Visiting a new area in Costa Rica nearly always means a change in the avian species around. Granted, some birds seem to pop up anywhere but there are always nice surprises.

The place we were staying was on the slope of a hill, with a long balcony overlooking the coast. A few feet below the balcony the Stachytarpheta shrubs were busy with hummingbirds flying non stop.

Photo of a Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding on Stachytarpheta nectar. Image by Eduardo Libby
Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeding on Stachytarpheta nectar.

The high viewpoint revealed the beautiful design on the tails of female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. But I was not too successful in getting eye-level shots of the males… well, I already had those anyway from their seasonal visit to my garden’s Stachytarpheta.

Photo of a Cinnamon Hummingbird. Image by Eduardo Libby
Cinnamon Hummingbird
Blue-throated Goldentail. Photo by Eduardo Libby
Blue-throated Goldentail perched on a dry Stachytarpheta inflorescence.

Soon I noticed two species I had not photographed before: the Cinnamon Hummingbird and the Blue-throated Goldentail. The first, kindly chose a well-located perch and posed for me. The Goldentail I shot perched on a dry inflorescence… enough to show its blue throat, but it was again the elevated viewpoint from the balcony that provided a nice picture of both its thick red bill and its magnificent Golden Tail.

Nice too for just a beach trip!

Male Blue-throated Goldentail. Photo by Eduardo Libby
Male Blue-throated Goldentail.

If you want to see more Costa Rican Birds, do visit my Website by clicking here.

Grabbing Fruits on the Fly… literally

Every year, when migratory Vireos are getting ready to fly back to their breeding habitats in North America, they make sure to feed on the seeds of Bocconia frutescens. When the fruits open, the black seeds, covered partially with a red aril, are suspended on the middle of a ring… ready to eat.

Continue reading Grabbing Fruits on the Fly… literally

Birds in flight: Olympus, Nikon and the swallows

As you frame the flying bird, put a focusing sensor on its eye, initiate tracking and compose your photo so there is space on the front… ‘Yeah right…. I shoot Swallows around here!’

Continue reading Birds in flight: Olympus, Nikon and the swallows

A happy family… with stacked teleconverters

In my post about nesting Least Grebes I said I would be showing photos of the distant birds taken with my 300mm lens and stacked 1.4X and 2.0X teleconverters. Here is a photo of one of the parents is about to feed a piece of crayfish to the chicks. Continue reading A happy family… with stacked teleconverters

Nesting (Cute!) Least Grebes

A few weeks ago my friend Marco Saborío, a very experienced nature photographer, told me there were several nesting Least Grebe couples on a pond. I love the piercing yellow eyes of these diving birds but I had not seen them nesting before: I was in for a nice surprise! Continue reading Nesting (Cute!) Least Grebes

Rainforest Birds in Flight Photography

Photographing rain forest birds is a completely different business than shooting water birds on a sunny beach where you get to easily picture birds in flight at high shutter speeds. Inside a dark forest, well… you easily reach the limits of current technology. Continue reading Rainforest Birds in Flight Photography

Sunny in the Cloud Forest

In spite of its name, the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica has some days of very sunny weather which create difficult light for photography. Naturally they happen every time I happen to visit… Continue reading Sunny in the Cloud Forest

Rainforest Photos and the Nikon Z7

Wildlife photos inside the Rain Forest most of the time means subject in deep shadow, background overexposed… well, sometimes the background is in deep shadow too! Continue reading Rainforest Photos and the Nikon Z7

Nikon’s Z7 requires AF-Fine Tuning

The claims that on-sensor phase-detection autofocus sensors in Nikon’s Z7 does away with autofocus fine-tuning are wrong. I had to use AF Fine Tuning to get my lenses to focus properly. Continue reading Nikon’s Z7 requires AF-Fine Tuning

Cartwheeling Gray Hawks!

A friend of mine had just told me how Bald Eagles during courtship lock their talons and spin in the air, a behavior called cartwheeling. Descending fast, they separate a split second just before hitting the ground. Then, two Gray Hawks did exactly that… Continue reading Cartwheeling Gray Hawks!